Corporate Sales

The Co-op expedites bush orders for mining and exploration camps and also provides food mail service to out of town members. There is a 10% handling fee added to out of town orders, the orders will be packed up and delivered to the shipping carrier that you have arranged final delivery with.
Orders can be placed by fax or email.
For airport drops, the cutoff for Monday is the previous Friday at 4:00 p.m. The cutoff for Wednesday is Sunday at 4:00 p.m. To improve efficiencies in store, Corporate Sales arranges for deliveries on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays ONLY. Please be aware that the flyers change over on Fridays, depending on your cutoff date the flyer prices may have changed from when the order was place to when it was picked. All orders pay the shelf price from the day they were picked, not the day they were ordered. In order to ensure our order leaves the Co-op as fresh as possible the orders are picked as close to the delivery date as possible, no exceptions.
Corporate Sales no longer ships cakes out of town.
Contact us for more information:
321 Old Airport Rd.
Yellowknife, NT X1A 3T3
Tel: (867) 873-5770 - ext. 231 or 269
Food Mail Fax: (867) 873-3006